
Benefits of Joining Next Self-Love Project

• Make Love Your Primary Fuel for Life •

The Self-Love Project educates you in research-based practices, supports you to be your best friend, holds you within a simple accountability framework, and surrounds you with a network of people choosing Love as their fuel for life.

Competitive Advantage at Work

Competitive Advantage at Work

Enhanced positivity, happiness and confidence supports improved business outcomes and opportunities for promotion.

Positive Self-Care Habits

Positive Self-Care Habits

Develop a healthy respect for yourself as you develop daily habits that create confidence in your ability to self-care.

Improved Energy & Mood

Improved Energy & Mood

Love is patient. Love is kind. With love as your motivation you will feel more stable in energy and mood.

High Levels of Resilience

High Levels of Resilience

Feel empowered as you apply the simple science of resilience to the way you plan your life.

Better Quality Relationships

Better Quality Relationships

Feel more deeply connected with family, friends and important community groups as your relationship with self improves.

A Love Fuelled-life

A Love Fuelled-life

Experience powerful relief as you finally make Love your most powerful fuel and your highest priority.


Here clients answer questions about The Self Love Project

What did you think about The Self-Love Project Guidebook? (1:32)

Tell us about The Self Love Project online Weekly Meetup sessions… (1:45)

What benefits did you experience from doing The Self-Love Project? (3:11)

What celebrities say about Self-Love



“You don’t have anything to give that you don’t have. So you have to keep your own self full. That’s your job. Fill yourself up and keep your cup full. I used to be afraid of people saying: ‘She’s so full of herself,’ but now I consider it a compliment that I am full of myself. I am full, I am overflowing, my cup runneth over. I have so much to offer and so much to give and I am not afraid of honouring myself.” ~ Stanford Graduate School of Business Interview


Dr Fab Mancini

“My purpose in life is to learn to unconditionally love myself, so I may unconditionally love others. When I’m unconditionally loving myself, everything else works. Everything works because I work. I’ve chosen to dedicate myself to learning to love myself a little bit more… and that gives me an amazing power to love everyone else around me.” ~ HealthyME Summit

Cameron Diaz

“When you spend time learning about yourself and take care of your mind, body and heart, you’ll start to treat yourself with kindness, compassion and affection. As you explore the nature of love within yourself, your ability to take it outward, and let others love you back, you’ll see the possibilities are endless. With your own heart as your anchor, practice unconditional love for yourself in all your glory and imperfection, and you’ll never need more.” ~ Our Body Book


Sick of your own self-critic? Are you done with unwanted stress? Are you ready to live with more love in your every day life? Sign up to receive instant access to The Self-Love Project Guidebook + weekly online video tutorials + inspirational daily emails. Once in place, The Self-Love Project framework will serve you for life.